Hello Everyone,
We hope you and your close ones are doing well, and April was good for you. At Flat we released many updates this month, I would like to share some of them with you today:
New chords features
This month, we worked on adding some missing chords features that many of you have asked.
Figured Bass
We added a dedicated Figured Bass mode available under the Text toolbar.
Figured bass notation is a way to notate chord, by specifying degrees that are to be added to a root note. A major chord would be written 5/3, as we are adding the 5th and the 3rd degrees on top of the root. On Flat, you need to first input 5, press enter, then input 3.
You can learn more about Figured Bass on Flat with this dedicated help article.
Secondary dominants
We also added secondary dominants chords to our existing Roman Chord tool. You can input those with a "/", while using the roman numerals tool.
Learn more with our dedicated help article.
Neapolitan Chords
We have added the support for Neapolitan chords for Roman Numerals notation. You just need to input N
in the text field, or N6
if you want to have the most common form that is in its first inversion.
Jazz Chords Symbols
We have added the possibility to display chords using Symbols like the triangle instead of Major or the minus instead of minor.

New premium Violin
We added a brand new premium Violin instrument to Fat. This playback instrument features 3 different levels of dynamics both for Arco and Pizzicato modes.
Here is a beautiful demo of this new instrument with a piece from Niccolò Paganini:
We also updated our list of instruments to include premium instruments across all the different categories instead of one single category. This update makes it easier to discover, preview, and choose instruments to add to your scores.
Embed updates
We also released multiple new features and options to our Embed Product, including new API methods, the ability to only display TABs, and Transparent backgrounds.
You can learn more about these updates by reading the following post:

Thank you and stay safe
Thanks again for all your feedback, we always love to hear from you! If you have any comments or suggestions, please drop us a line at hello@flat.io.
Stay safe at home!
The Flat Team