Experiment: Generating a Sheet Music from your Groove Pizza

A few months ago I discovered the Groove Pizza App made by the NYU MusEDLab: a circular rhythm app for creative music making and learning. This app is also great for learning and using math concepts like shapes, angles and patterns[1].

I recently developed an experiment using this app: generating a sheet music from a Groove Pizza.

  • 🍕 Start by making a great Groove Pizza and copy its sharing link;
  • Open the experiment page and paste the pizza link;
  • đŸŽļ The pizza is cooked to make a sheet music you can print and edit with Flat!

Here is a quick demo for you:

This experiment is Open Source on our Github and uses Flat's Embed and Flat's Import API.

Happy Groove Pizza Baking!


  1. About the Groove Pizza: https://musedlab.org/groovepizza ↩ī¸Ž