⚡️ June Challenge: Musical Marvels

I wanted to share a quick personal story to kick off this challenge. When I was studying at university (a few years ago now 👀), I took an ethics course that left a lasting impact on me. One of the reasons was the analysis my professor conducted one day regarding the ethics of Batman.

That may sound a bit strange, and it certainly struck me as odd when he started discussing Batman in a philosophy class. But he had some important points to make. He talked about how Batman never kills villains or seeks revenge with his own hands, instead handing them over to the police. Why? Because he firmly believes that if he were to kill the villain, that would mean becoming a killer himself; and that would mean there's just another killer out there in the world. For Batman, doing good was more important than vengeance or even justice. It was a talk that sparked a lively class discussion.

And for me, it was the first time I understood why some people are so passionate about superheroes—they have a backstory and symbolic power that makes it easy to identify with and draw inspiration from them.

So all that said, I decided that this month's challenge would be a good time to think about superheroes!

The challenge

This month, we invite you to select your favorite superhero and compose a score that embodies their true essence. It's your chance to capture the spirit, power, and unique qualities of your chosen superhero through a musical composition using Flat.


  • The composition must be an original song created specifically for this challenge in Flat.
  • Collaborations are not allowed this time!
  • The song must be 1-3 minutes long. We know this is a very limited time but we're getting so many submissions lately, we want to make sure we can carefully review each of them❣️
  • You can only submit one score.
  • External audio sources can be used (doing so won't influence the results).
  • In the description of your score, share the name of the superhero you have chosen.
  • Deadline: June 30th. No late submissions.

Score system

✅ Accuracy (30)

How well the song embodies your superhero.

✅ Engagement (30)

How well your song captures the listener's attention for its entire duration.

✅ Transitions (30)

How smooth and well-designed the song's transitions are (e.g. modulations).

✅ Founder Enjoyment (2)

How much the founders of Tutteo, the company behind Flat, like your piece.

✅ Last challenge winner enjoyment (8)

How much the winner of the last challenge likes your piece.

Bonus points

  • Join our Discord server (2 points).
  • Create a new superhero to inspire your composition. Include the description of your superhero in the description of your score (10 points).
  • Include the contrabasoon in your instrumentation (3 points)

🥇 The score with the most points wins!

We'll announce the winner on July 7th.


🏆 One-year Premium subscription.

Additional incentives

  • Promotion in our blog and social media.
  • Special badge for a year showing you as the winner of this month's challenge!
  • You can help us choose next month's winner.


Please send your submission 👉🏽 here.

Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.

⚠ Private scores cannot be reviewed! Please make your score public before submitting it.

After submitting, we will manually add your score to the Challenge tab on the Flat Community Page. This isn't an automatic process, so you'll need to have a bit of patience.

We can't wait to hear what you come up with!