Share your music scores to Google Classroom

This a product announcement that may not reflect the exact current state of our product. Check out our dedicated Google Classroom help to get a the latest resources.

Yesterday during the ISTE 2015, Google introduced the first Google Classroom APIs and the Google Classroom Share button. This share button allows you to add educational content in your Classroom courses and assignments easily.

During the past few weeks, some of you have already been sharing music scores created on Flat in your Google Classroom courses, so we decided to add this sharing tool directly in Flat's interface in order to simplify this process.

Google Classroom's share button is now available on Flat for any Google Apps account and displayed on every shareable document:

Simply click on Google Classroom's icon and it will let you create a new assignment in just a couple of clicks:

Share a music score to Google Classroom

This is just our first feature targeting Google Apps for Education and Google Classroom. Stay tuned, our summer is definitely dedicated to creating a new education experience!

Have a great day!