Hello everyone!
We are very excited to announce the winner of this challenge. But first, we want to thank everyone who joined in. Every day we are more and more amazed by our community, you people are fantastic. We listened to all of you!
Believe me, it was not an easy task to choose the winner. So many wonderful songs were created.
❗ Just for you to see, we created a playlist with the top 10 👉🏽 listen now.
If you don't see yours in that playlist, please, don't be disappointed, we really loved everything you did! You can still participate in our upcoming challenges 💪🏻. We will host one every month.
Before we get to the point, we want to share with you 2 interesting facts about the challenge:
🪐 We got more than 70 submissions. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? 🤩
🪐 Neptune was the most popular planet. We are wondering why...

Without further ado...
🎉 We want to congratulate Redstonecat123!!!!
You are the winner of this challenge for your song Venus Wrath.
Again, thank you all for submitting your songs 🤟.
Ready for the next challenge? Stay tuned!