Embed: New API methods, Only display TABs and Transparent backgrounds

Hi everyone,

We added several new features in our Embed product, discover them today:

JavaScript methods to control our playback

Our embed already had several APIs methods to control basic playback features, such as play, pause, stop and mute, and events like playbackPosition to get the current playback position.

We added new methods to control more advanced options of our playback:

The complete documentation of our JavaScript is available on our website and on GitHub with our SDK.

JavaScript methods to get the current measure and note/rest information

We also added two new methods and two new JavaScript events to get information about the current measure and note/rest.

Our API methods can be called anytime to retrieve information about the current cursor context. You can also subscribe to the corresponding events to receive the details as soon they change, either because the score is being edited or the cursor moved.

For the measures: you can now call getMeasureDetails and subscribe to the measureDetails event to get information about the current measure attributes: clef, key signature, time signature, transpositions, etc.

For the notes/rests: you can now call getNoteDetails and subscribe to the noteDetails event to get information about the current chord or rest: its duration, pitches/lines, articulations, ornaments, etc.

The complete documentation of our JavaScript is available on our website and on GitHub with our SDK.

Option to only display tablatures

We added a new option to only display TABs and hide notation staves. This one is called hideNonTab and is available as an URL Parameter. You can use our embed generator to quickly build your custom embed code that will only display your tablatures. Here is an example below using this new option:

Transparent backgrounds

If you want to use our embed on a page with a non-white background, you can now use our transparent background option. Just set themeScoreBackground to transparent as a theme option.

Flat is the first user of our embed product and we are already using this feature for our Microsoft Teams App we launched a few weeks ago. This option makes the score page rendering beautifully on their beige background:

Have any feedback?

Like any of our product updates, these features were requested by our community and customers. If you have any feedback or requests regarding our Embed or APIs, please contact our team at developers@flat.io.

Thank you,
