Hello everyone!
We are thrilled to see so many new people joining the challenges 🤍.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

We listened to all of you and it was not an easy task to choose the winner!

❗ Just for you to see, we created a playlist with the top 10 👉🏽 listen now!

By the way, if your score is in the top 10 and you want us to update the audio, send us the file at hello@flat.io :)

If you don't see yours in that playlist, please, don't be disappointed, we really loved everything you did! You can still participate in our upcoming challenges 💪🏻. We host one every month.

Bear in mind that the purpose of the challenges is to inspire you to create!

This time, the last challenge winner,1C3, helped us choose the winner!

Without further ado...

🎉 We want to congratulate Michael McManus for his lovely piece:

Again, thank you all for submitting your songs 🤟.

Ready for the next challenge?