Hello everyone!
One year ago we launched our very first challenge – time does fly!
We've been so pleased to see many of you regularly joining the Flat challenges. This time in particular a lot of new composers joined in, and I couldn't be happier about it.
🫢 We got more than 100 submissions!
It really is moving to see our community members evolving as artists, so many of you have improved so much. It is an honor for the whole Flat team to be part of your musical journey!
Fun fact
The most common spirit animals in our community: the butterfly, wolf, turtle and deer!

As we listened to all of your submissions, we quickly saw that it wasn't going to be an easy task to choose the winner! Plus, this time we had the honor of our last challenge winner, Michael McManus, helping us in the judging.
❗ Just to give you an idea of what we were facing, we created a playlist with the top 10 👉🏽 Listen now!
(By the way, if your score is in the top 10 and you want us to update the audio, send the file to hello@flat.io :)
And if yours isn't in that group of finalists, please don't be disappointed, we really loved listening to every submission! And we're looking forward to seeing what you come up with for future challenges 💪🏻 There's one every month.
As always, keep in mind that the whole purpose of these challenges is to inspire you to create!
Without further ado...
🎉 We want to congratulate Brady Johnson for his lovely piece:
Again, thank you all for submitting your songs 🤟.
Now, rest up - the next challenge will be here soon!