Simplicity has a lot of beauty. There is an art form that holds this very dear: Haiku. A Haiku is a form of traditional Japanese poetry that follows a specific structure and typically focuses on nature. It consists of three lines, with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5, totaling 17 syllables.

Here's an example of a Haiku:

Autumn leaves falling (5 syllables)
Whispers of the coming chill (7 syllables)
Nature's final bow (5 syllables)

This time we invite you to get inspired by simplicity. Get ready to explore Haikus!

The challenge

For this challenge, we invite you to write a Hiaku or generate one using this page and write a score that personifies your poem in Flat.

💡 When writing a Haiku, it's important to keep in mind:

  1. Syllable Count: Follow the 5-7-5 syllable pattern.
  2. Imagery: Use vivid and evocative language to create a strong mental image.
  3. Conciseness: Haikus are brief and should convey a lot with minimal words.
  4. Seasonal Reference (optional): Incorporating a seasonal element can add depth and context to the poem.

The essence of a Haiku lies in its ability to capture a moment, emotion, or scene in a concise and impactful way.


  • The composition must be an original song created specifically for this challenge in Flat.
  • Write your Haiku in your score's description.
  • Collaborations are allowed this time (max. 2 composers).
  • The song must be 1-3 minutes long. We know this is a very limited time but we're getting so many submissions lately, we want to make sure we can carefully review each of them❣️
  • You can only submit one score.
  • External audio sources can be used (doing so won't influence the results).
  • Deadline: November 30th. No late submissions.
  • Remember we can not consider private scores.

Scoring system

✅ Accuracy (30)

How accurately the song represents your Haiku.

✅ Engagement (30)

How well your song captures the listener's attention for its entire duration.

✅ Transitions (30)

How smooth and well-designed the song's transitions are (e.g. modulations).

✅ Founder Enjoyment (10)

How much the founders of Tutteo, the company behind Flat, like your piece.

If you win more than once during the period of the yearly subscription you won, the prize will be applied as follows:

  • You can give away the yearly subscription to a person who does not have a premium subscription yet of your choice.
  • If you decide to keep the prize for yourself, we will add one extra month to the annual subscription you already won, and the second place will be awarded the annual subscription prize.

Bonus points

  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel (2 points).
  • We want to motivate more free users to participate in the challenges, so we're offering bonus points for them (5 points).

🥇 The score with the most points wins!

We'll announce the winner on December 13th.


🏆 One-year Premium subscription.

Additional incentives

  • Promotion in our blog and social media.
  • Special badge for a year showing you as the winner of this month's challenge!


Please send your submission 👉🏽 here.

Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.

⚠ Private scores cannot be reviewed! Please make your score public before submitting it.

After submitting, we will manually add your score to the Challenge tab on the Flat Community Page. This isn't an automatic process, so you'll need to have a bit of patience.

We can't wait to hear what you come up with!