Our ISTE 2018 trip in Chicago

Hi everyone,

We just got back from Chicago where we spent 3 crazy days that were an absolute blast. This will definitely be the last year that only 3 of us go :)
Below you'll find a series of great pictures and a summary of everything we talked about during those 3 days!

So much great news to share!


The first, and the most eagerly awaited, was our iOS application and a brand new touch experience for touch devices:

Microsoft community

Our complete integration with Microsoft One Note let us have many great discussions and lots of feedback to improve the user experience even more.
Big thanks to all of you that stopped by the booth!

Learning modules

After ISTE 2017 a year ago, we understood that we had to think about a way to create digital worksheet and advanced music theory exercices. Two months later we announced that we were working on a new set of tools to save teachers tons of time!

ISTE 2018 was the perfect timing to test it and get some last-minute feedback before the public launch in September! Again thank you all so much for taking the time to try it out and give us so much valuable feedback!

A summer to get everything done

We are now heading to the summer and will be working to finalize everything we started before ISTE. We are super excited to get everything done and we will share lots more news with you throughout the summer!
Enjoy your break and we'll see you all again for back-to-school!

The ISTE Team