Flat Import API

This post is the third of a series of posts for Developers about our new APIs, after introducing our REST API and our new Embed with its JavaScript API.

We are introducing today a new way to easily programmatically import scores in a Flat Account: our Import API.

This one is just super easy to use: simply build a hypertext link with our (https://flat.io/score/import-url), the URL of the MusicXML or MIDI file that you want to import and its title.

That's all! When someone opens the link, we will ask if he/she wants to import the file and edit it in 1-click.

Here is a quick demo:

<a href="https://flat.io/score/import-url?url=https%3A%2F%2Fflat.io%2Fexamples%2Fhello-world.xml&title=Hello%20World">
  <img src="https://flat.io/img/assets/edit-with-flat-white.svg" alt="Edit with Flat">

Try it: click on the button below to import the sample score in your account and edit it:

To learn more about this new API, check out our Developer Documentation!

Let us know if you have any feedback or feature request: developers@flat.io.