Instant roster updates from Google Classroom

If you are new to Flat for Education, our product is a cloud-based music notation software allowing your students to collaborate in real-time on their compositions. User-friendly and affordable, Flat can be used on any device, including Chromebooks and Tablets.

This a product announcement that may not reflect the exact current state of our product. Check out our dedicated Google Classroom help to get a the latest resources.

Hey there,

Exactly one year ago, we launched our integration with Google Classroom: the ability to automatically synchronize your rosters from Classroom and create seamless music education assignments. Since then, we received great feedback from many of you, thank you! (You can read some of it on this blog).

When we design our integrations our goal is always to keep their usage simple and efficient. With Flat for Education and Google Classroom you can literally onboard your first class in less than 5 minutes, and no need to think about manually synchronizing your rosters later when new students join Flat, everything is transparent and automatic.

Today, we are introducing an improvement to go further in this seamless experience: Flat now has instant roster updates from Google Classroom. This means that when a new student joins your course on Classroom, he is added instantly on Flat and his account is ready to use, here is a quick demo (student screen on the left, teacher screen on the right)


Since most of our interfaces have live updates on the information they contain, your students already on Flat will directly see their new courses displayed, and you will instantly see them added to your list of students.

This update is available for everyone and will request a new permission at your next connection: the ability for us to subscribe to the changes made on Google Classroom to the courses you synchronize with Flat:

We think you will love this new improvement, please let us know if you have any feedback regarding this update.

If you missed our last Google Classroom updates:

Vincent & The Flat for Education team