Music Theory: Chords - 3/6: The diminished and the augmented triad


Today, let’s resume music theory!
This post is the 3rd one in a series of 4 posts dedicated to the fundamentals of music theory for chords.

Please follow these links to get a quick access to the previous posts: Part 1 | Part 2

So, last week we discovered minor triads and you are now able to compare the difference of sounds between minor and major triads.

Today, let me introduce you two more triadic chords: the diminished triad and the augmented triad. Then, we'll do a bit of ear training, so as to differentiate the 4 main triads.

The diminished triad in root position

A diminished triad is made of three notes stacked in thirds following those rules:
• the interval between the root and the third is a minor third

• the interval between the root and the fifth is a diminished fifth

Here are some examples of diminished chords :

Now, take a minute to check that:

  1. Each chord is a triad in root position (3 notes stacked in thirds);
  2. For each chord, the interval between the root and the third is a minor third;
  3. The interval between the root and the fifth is a diminished fifth, which means that all those chords are diminished triads in root position.
The augmented triad in root position

An augmented triad is made of three notes stacked in thirds following those two rules:
• The interval between the root and the third is a major third

• The interval between the root and the fifth is an augmented fifth.

Here are some examples of augmented chords:

Once again, let's take a minute to check that :

  1. Each chord is a triad in root position (3 notes stacked in thirds);
  2. For each chord, the interval between the root and the third is a major third;
  3. The interval between the root and the fifth is an augmented fifth, which means that all those chords are augmented triads in root position.
Ear training

For beginners, have a look, listen, and play again the four scores that we saw so far. Try to memorise the sound and feeling of each category.

Tadaaam! You can now distinguish those four different chords.

I hope you enjoyed this latest music theory lesson and that you learned something that you will remember… forever! 💪

The next post is here.

Have a nice day,


Articles on this series about chords: