Our first fundraising and the beginning of our partnership with Google

Hi music lovers!

Today is a very special day! We're celebrating four things!

  • Ludwig van Beethoven 245th anniversary
  • Vincent's birthday
  • Our fundraising
  • Our partnership with Google for Education

I can't tell how much we're excited about all of this! It's a new step in our startup journey! Indeed,two months ago, we were 100,000 on Flat! Yesterday, we proudly reached 140,000! Weeks after weeks our growth is increasing, this is completely awesome and I can't describe how amazing it is to be completely overwhelmed by all your messages!

A first investment round

To face this terrific momentum, it appeared clearly to us that we needed to find investors to keep this amazing journey going on properly. We're proud to announce that we just closed our first investment round led by two well-known business angels: Jean David Blanc (Allocine, Molotov.tv) and Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet (PriceMinister, Isai) who also happen to be music passionates!
I am really proud to be able to work with those great musicians.
A big tribute also goes to all our friends and family that joined us in this round. All of them believe as strong as we do, that Flat will change the way you make music!

What good will it do?

  • First, we'll take salaries on it
  • Second, pay our amazing lawyers that have made a fantastic job regarding all the terms of use and IP protection regarding your compositions! I will write a post about it in the upcoming days.
  • Third, improve as much as we can both our products.
  • Fourth, create dedicated mobile applications (Android / Ios)
Flat individual

This is a first step for us, a chance to conclude our big move from a project to a product started at the beginning of this summer. Thanks to the awesome work accomplished by all the team, the individual version of Flat is getting better day after day. We'll surely make a paid offer based on it. For now it still needs to be improved and we don't want to come up with an unfair pricing based on frustration and bad limits.
Thus, we will just keep up the hard work and we have some pretty good news coming for the end of the year :)

Flat for Education

Two months ago, we also released our dedicated education offer. It was such a great success many teachers and students signed up and had fun with it. However, we had one frustration! Many teachers reached out to complain about our pricing regarding their lack of budget.
Since we aim to make a change in music learning as well, we had to find a solution. We worked really hard for the last two weeks looking for a solution. Here we're thanks to this investment and our researches we're able to lower our pricing to 1.5$

So now don't wait any longer spread the good news to all your teachers friends!!

Last but not least, Flat is part of the Google partnership program

As so many of you noticed, we've been working with all the different Google products since the beginning.
It started with Google Hangouts then we added Google Drive and Google Apps.
It gave us the opportunity to enhance drastically your experience on Flat.

Now on and since the launch of Flat for education with our Classroom integration, we only had one wish. Become closer to Google to be able to continue in the best way all our integrations as well as spread music composition in the world.

Keep Pushing

As I said previously, this is just the very first step of our startup journey. We have so much to do in 2016!
However, we're now supported by amazing people and partners so it will definitely be a crazy year :)

With love <3

Pierre & the Flat Team