This post is the third of a series of posts for Developers about our new APIs, after introducing our REST API and our new Embed with its JavaScript API.

We are introducing today a new way to easily programmatically import scores in a Flat Account: our Import API.

This one is just super easy to use: simply build a hypertext link with our (, the URL of the MusicXML or MIDI file that you want to import and its title.

That's all! When someone opens the link, we will ask if he/she wants to import the file and edit it in 1-click.

Here is a quick demo:

<a href="">
  <img src="" alt="Edit with Flat">

Try it: click on the button below to import the sample score in your account and edit it:

Edit with Flat

To learn more about this new API, check out our Developer Documentation!

Let us know if you have any feedback or feature request: